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Pan Lodowego Ogrodu. Tom 1
Jarosław Grzędowicz

Ruda Sfora

Ruda Sfora - Maja Lidia Kossakowska This is a long book and very unequable. This is a story of a small boy (13 years old) who becomes a new shaman in his small village on Siberia. But ghosts and spiritual world are having great problems - invincible creatures called "Ruda sfora". Believes of Yakuts are well-descirbed, but first 400 pages aren't interesting. And it's not only about action - everything is so calm, and boring. But 100 pages are fully-packed with action, interesting characters and a good ending. I would say that quite sad ending.
It's a great book if you like others Kossakowska's books, are interested in Yakuts believes or would like to read interesting book about the twilight of an old era;-)